Sikkerhedsadvarsel på www.* (Don't Worry, It's False)

Hvis du ser en sikkerhedsadvarsel fra din browser, når du går ind på TaxDome - er den falsk. Dine data hos TaxDome er sikre og beskyttet bag banksikkerhed. Vi forklarer det nedenfor.

You’ll never see this error on (i.e. in an address without www), because we use security certificates on all Firm URLs to protect your data. However, these security certificates can not work when users access due to technical limitations of how security certificates work on the web. This issue is not TaxDome specific. When trying to access other sites with www following a subdomain you’ll get similar errors:

  • = no errors
  • = SSL error

In general, using  www in your URLs is deprecated. Technically, www is a subdomain that once used to indicate that a site is part of the web (i.e. not FTP, Telnet, or E-mail). Today, you can safely omit www. All sites work just fine without it (moreover, some won’t work with www – try or 

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