Udskrivning eller downloading af fakturaer

If you need a copy of an invoice for your records, print it or download it to your desktop as a PDF, you can do so:

1. Open an invoice from an email,  Billing section or Home screen.

2. Click  Download PDF or Print in the upper righthand corner of the invoice.

You can also find an option to print or download invoices linked to the payment in the Payments list or from previewing locked documents. Click a linked invoice or locked document, then three dots to the far right of the invoice’s name, then select Print or Download from the pull-down menu.

3. En PDF-faktura vises automatisk:

  • Info om din virksomhed og dig
  • A payment link for unpaid invoice and a link to see the details of the paid one
  • For a paid invoice, a red “PAID” stamp

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